Monday 24 October 2016

Lorita - What To Do After A Google Algorithm Update

What To Do After A Google Algorithm Update? -Lorita SEO Services

The only one thing that SEO sticks to is change. SEO is constantly changing every day, and in fact Google has reported that the search algorithm changes around 500 to 600 times every year! However, this big number consists of very tiny tweaks, which are not even picked up by users and SEO. But once in a while, Google does release major updates. In the past 2 years, Google has come up with nine major updates in its algorithm, and all of these updates have brought about significant changes. So, what do you do after a major Google update? Panic? Not anymore! After reading this blog about how you should serenely go about the change, you are sure to make the right move in any such situation that will arise in the future. Though, you can always hire a professional SEO company in Bangalore who will help do your SEO right every time like creating great content and earning high quality links, which will not bring a negative effect of any algorithm change on your site easily.
Calm down
The first and foremost rule is that you aren’t supposed to panic. Although it is true that major algorithm updates can be stressful, but panicking will only waste your time and energy, and will bring you no benefits. And, how much does Google tell you about the update it is bringing? Not much right? For instance, with the release of Penguin 4.0, all Google shared about it on the Google Webmaster Central Blog was that Penguin is now real-time and more granular. So, when you know only little about the subject, why waste your time worrying? Before Google put out this information, many started guessing what the update would bring, out of which some were right while the others were wrong. But, one thing is for sure that panicking and stressing to guess will only bring a lot of worry that isn’t necessary at all. So, when you learn that a major update is coming, stop panicking and stop guessing! Just go with the flow with complete tranquility.
Hold on
Now that your mind is under control, you need to wait for a while. Just don’t instantly start making changes to your site after learning about the update. You may think it is best to just go out and make the appropriate changes to your site, but it could lead to wasted work. This is because you must first wait and see if your site has been affected with the change. If you have been doing SEO the right way, your site may have probably not been affected negatively. Google always wants to deliver the best answers to their users, which is why they are constantly changing their algorithm to have webmasters create better sites and user experiences. All Google wants to get rid of is spam and black-hat SEO techniques. So, it is better you wait for a few weeks to see the impact the change brings to your site. Keep an eye on the changes you see after a few weeks. If your site appears to have been impacted, you can move forward to make changes.
Where to get started?
So, you realize that you need to make some changes to your site. But where do you start? You can begin with reading the Google Webmaster Blog for any information they have posted and look at what the update is meant to target. These are the things you will need to work upon. However, if Google doesn’t give you the details, go to sites that have credibility and can bring you long-term results. Also, make sure to make one change at a time so that you can see the impact of the adjustment, which will help you take a better next step. If you think this can’t be handled on your own, hire the best SEO company in Bangalore with the most proficient staff to help you.